12 Plants To Intercrop With Tomatoes – Better Harvest and Soil

Most of us have tomatoes in our garden each year. I know for myself I am always looking for better ways to grow the best and most delicious of all tomatoes. I am not sure if I ever get to the “best” , but I certainly do try. Here is a fantastic roundup on 12 Plants To Intercrop With Tomatoes – Better Harvest and Soil. Have a look through this list and see what will work for you and your garden.

Every year I grow a lot of Tomatoes. Grow some for canning, sauces, salads and of course just getting them out of the garden. It seems I can’t grow enough.

Then of course if you have a lot there is family, friends and neighbors that always want a few as well. This is a great roundup on other plants that not only grow well with your tomatoes but do the ground a benefit from being there. Have a look I think you will find this helpful.

12 Plants To Intercrop With Tomatoes 

Here is a tutorial that you may find of interest:

Homemade Insecticide Spray

  • 10 cloves garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 3 jalapeno peppers
  • 1/2 teaspoon liquid dish soap
  • 4 cups warm water

Using a blender combine the water, garlic, onion and peppers

Pour the mixture into a container with a tight fitting lid and let sit for 12 hours

Strain mixture (cheesecloth works great) and add the dish soap

Mix well and put in a spray bottle

Store this mixture in the fridge and it will keep for a month

To use this product spray the tops and the underneath of leaves coating them thoroughly.

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