200 Best Dehydrating Recipes For Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables

Every year I have quite a large garden. I try and add to it each year. My hope is to learn how to so some great canning but for now I am not quite sure what I am doing. I do plan on learning this however. 

Needless to say with such a large garden I have a surplus of produce every year. Fruits, veggies and herbs I have a lot of.

When my mom was still with me, she use to do a lot of canning. Even with her canning however I still have a lot left over. Few years ago I started Dehydrating my excess produce.

I absolutely loved have my apple chips on the ready. The best Beef Jerky that I have ever had. Strawberry chips, banana chips, all sorts of chips really. It was fantastic to have all these healthy but delicious snack on hand. I think you are going to love these recipes as much as I do so have a look through this great list.

200 Dehydrating Recipes 

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