66 Things You Can Grow In Containers

I love my garden but I remember when I lived in an apartment and had no where to make a garden. At that point I didn’t have any idea of the fantastic things you could grow in containers. Here is a great list of things you can grow at home in containers. If you cant have a garden have a look through this list and get inspired.

“If you’re up to the challenge—and it really isn’t much of one—growing your own food can be so rewarding. And so much cheaper! Just be sure to choose the right planter or container, learn how to maintain it properly, and go find yourself some seeds! (Or starter plants.) Like this idea? Be sure to check out these 6 Crazy Concepts for Micro Gardens That Actually Work to get inspiration for designing your own garden in a small space. While you’re at it, check in with our Organic Gardening feature for tons more info on making your garden grow.”

Have a look through his great list of wonderful plants that you can grow in a container.

66 Things You Can Grow In Containers

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