DIY Outdoor Doggie Shower

Whether it is to just cool off your puppy dogs or perhaps they decided to roll and play in the mud, this is a fantastic tutorial on how to make a dog shower. Have a look through this turorial that has a full video and get started on one of these for yourself and more importantly for your furry friend.

I have had dogs my whole life. I am a huge dog lover. My last 2 dogs were a Boxer and a Border Collie. They could not have been more different. My Boxer hated water, he did not even like the rain. My Boarder Collie however LOVED water and MUD.. No matter how small of a puddle, she would find it and oh my what a mess she would make of herself. 

This dog shower would have been the best thing ever for me at that time. Have a look and see for yourself if this would work for you.

DIY Outdoor Doggie Shower

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